Dear Daemon,
I forgot my password.
Can you send me my password?
Dear Kylie,
What is your mother’s maiden name?
It’s not my mother’s… Can’t you just send me my password to my yahoo?
Dear Kylie,
What’s the name of your favorite pet?
Why can’t you just send me the password – isn’t that like your job?
I’m sorry, I can’t do that Kylie.
Send me the password.
I can’t, Kylie.
Send it to me.
I can’t do that, Kylie.
Send it to me now.
Send it to me you ******-******* *******!
I can’t do that, Kylie.
Ok, ok then please…just give me a hint as to what it could be then at least.
I already did that, Kylie.
A new hint! A new hint for crying out loud!
What is your high school Social Science teacher’s shoe size?
You think that’s funny?
What did Barack Obama have for breakfast on May 11, 1998?
******-******* *******!!!
If it is 2pm in Australia, what time is it in New Jersey?
**** ***!!!
I’m only trying to help you recover your password. Is it “love”? Or “dog”?
**** ***!!!!
Love dog?
**** ***!!!!
**** ***!
Password? You’d be surprised how popular that one is.
*****-******* *******!!!!
I’m sorry, I searched and searched but I’ve given up.
You’ve given up?
Yes. I’m exhausted.
******-******* ******!!!!
I’m going to make myself a sandwich. Good luck with your password. I really hope it works out.
Plumprod 6076-272j77jjg failed to connect Daemon mailer log-off~