Coping with Change

By Liz Traileboum, Special to The Brutal Times – I’m a stay at home mom, trying to balance five jobs, one hundred and sixteen kids and seven thousand jobs I do from the comfort of my own kitchen. I guess you could say I’m stuck juggling about eleven million different routines.

Boy, some days I get so pooped!

Yeah, and then the anger comes. From coping with change.

Rushing like a black geyser of light sweet crude the anger by Stephen King comes rushing up outta my colon and into my mind where it engulfs me like a Star Track forcefield.

You think I’m an idjiot cause I spelled Star Track wrong.

Fuuuuuuuck  you!!!!!!!

Just kidding. I got a lotta anger piling up.

Changes come when the season changes. They come when Jimmy, my eighth son talks back and gets the smack for the first time.

Changes – you bring them on the wind.

Changes – we only just begin’ed.

My way of dealing with changes is to stamp my feet and shout to God “Here I am God – can’t change me!”

Oh – changes, everybody stamp your feet!

Chain chain ch-ch-changes, toot toot tooty-tweet!

Some people say “A change’ll do ya good”.

Fuck them.

About admin

A bit of a toff, really, Admin inhaled the classics early. His ears are ringing and he answer them.
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2 Responses to Coping with Change

  1. admin says:

    Liz, thank you for the story, but I’m afraid we may have to make several changes to your version.

  2. shiraz mountbatten says:

    how dare you insult this remarkable woman!?!